If you are a practitioner who wants to create your own transformation portal here's an opportunity. Timeline Jumping is a creation modality that uses visualization, breath, and awareness to embody the next available version of the self. I understand that everyone has a different portal to offer and this training is designed to teach you a framework you can use to open your energy to be used as a space for transformation.

Timeline Jumping Tour Guides 2.0 is a refined and modified Timeline Jumping Tour Guides. Move your clients, friends, whoever is ready and open, through their “stuck-ness” and meet more of themselves.


- Self - Responsibility: Awareness that who we are creates our reality

- Openness to the idea of Channeling

- Openness to transformation being simple, and as fast or slow as you would like

- By signing up you are agreeing to share your email with fellow participants to coordinate practice sessions, please do not sign up if you will not be able to set time aside to practice with your partner

This is a 2 part pre-recorded event, the 1st event is teaching the framework of Timeline Jumping 2.0. Then you all will practice & submit questions for the Q&A (will be recorded). The Q&A will be recorded by 010/3 so please submit questions before that.

Reviews of TLJTG

I have been LOVING being a timeline jumping tour guide. The experiences I have had myself and that I have facilitated with others have been insane!!! 

  • Abbey

I also just wanted to update you on how my practice sessions have been. In one word, incredible. In particular, I’ve helped someone close to me move through a tough break up with timeline jumping and it’s been so rewarding. It’s also given me permission to really get creative with my offerings, rather that just do what’s expected of me. So thank you! I’m so glad I signed up for the training.

  • Madi

My timeline jumps with clients have either been very relaxing or invigorating, depending on the client. We have been able to enter the void space with ease and without fear and then fuse with the alternate self in some very magical ways. But they've all enjoyed the experience so far and I have as well! 

I've also been experiencing a little bit of clairvoyance during the sessions, which is not one of my normal clairs. I've been getting outlines of figures and pictures of their liminal landscapes while in the space.

  • Kaitlyn

Thank you again for a super awesome training that bombed us immediately with the crucial context and sequence of your method. In all the courses I've taken for healers I've never before experienced someone so trusting that A) everyone who showed up was ready to handle it all and B) the power is in each of our energies merging with your structure to make many tessellations, all beneficial to those who show up to timeline jump. 

  • Audrey

I have guided several people through timeline jumping since taking your training and am very ignited by this work. I’ve received beautiful feedback from my sessions. I feel grounded and confident in facilitating jumps for people. Pea, the way you delivered the information to us in your tour guide training was so completely direct, clear and empowering. Thank you for sharing this with me. I’m very excited to offer these sessions and to have received this training from you.

  • Ingrid

This round of Timeline Jumping Tour Guides is booked out