What is Timeline Jumping?

Timeline Jumping is a creation modality that uses visualization, breath, and awareness to embody the next available version of the self. The subtle but powerful shifts made during this process are life changing. Timeline Jumping allows you to access your own power through embodiment.


1. Locate & understand your current timeline (state of being)
2. Dissolve that timeline with non-judgment (void space)
3. Begin solidifying your new timeline by inviting your desired self into the void
4. Keep inviting in the new you until that timeline becomes more dense and solid

Why would I Timeline Jump?

Because this reality responds to who you’re being . The game of life renders as a direct reflection of the character you are playing. If you are not consciously choosing what character you’re playing (who to be) then the default programming chooses for you. Timeline Jumping is not an escape, it is an opportunity for you to embody what you already know.The default character programming of the average human is inefficient. My work is not about more learning, and receiving information, it is about transformation through connection with the self.

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